Thursday, August 21, 2008

Archi Culture Cafe NUMBER FIVE

Week Four was skipped due to Exhibition Day Holiday :)

This week we were given a lecture by Anoma Kumarasuriyar on the Japanese art of Tea and Tea Houses. I found it endlessly interesting and was captivated by how such practical aspects of the cultural architecture contributed to the elements of the Tea House.

From listening to this I took away a few key points that hit me square in the chest:

  • Something happens, then something else happens and in between them you experience the space. If nothing happens, then there is a void.

  • The concept of impermanent, imperfect, incomplete
  • The reduction of the movements of the body to only the essential

For the tutorial exercises our group had to create two mind maps: one capturing the Tea House and its aspects and one capturing our proposed assignment topic and its aspects.

This first mind map is describing the Tea House - breaking it down into elements of its design that stem from cultural values and functions.

This mind map outlines the aspects of our proposed assignment topic (the Public Housing Projects in New York City).

The mind maps were a really useful tool for visualising a topic. They set out the concept for analytical consideration. They are also good as conceptual platforms from which to grab other elements of the topic which you perhaps wouldn't have thought of without being able to see the links between existing elements of the concept.

From the mind map that my group created for the assignment topic, we were able to extract a more concise way of describing our topic - which will help in our research along the way.
It was
The Public Housing Projects in New York City as an illustration of the relationship between violence and architecture.

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